Humane Society Today

India was not there today, but there was a black cat. It was the very same one that my neighbors have seen and thought it might be India. This particular cat has been roaming our neighborhood since the summer, and various neighbors have taken her in during inclement weather. I think I know where she lives, but I am also fairly sure that they don’t really want her back. She didn’t get along well with their other cat and ran off.

Her paperwork listed her as possibly feral because when she was brought in she was really freaking out. I told the attendant her story and let them know she is not feral. They were glad for the information. I’m sad for her that she isn’t wanted and that coming to the Humane Society was so stressful for her, but with winter setting in I think this is probably in her best interest. I would have taken her myself but there is Henna to consider. With India missing I don’t think Henna would be very appreciative if we brought another cat into the house. And if India comes back then we would have three, which is a bit crowded for this very small house.

I will mention to Zimmy’s people that she is at the Humane Society so they can retrieve her if they really do want her. Otherwise I hope she finds a good home with people who will love and appreciate her. She would probably do best in a house with no other cats.


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